A single web page: simple, low-cost contact or how-to-find-us page
Something to get you started and your foot in the Internet doorway! All you need to establish an Internet presence, in addition to a single mobile friendly webpage, this package includes hosting, a domain name and basic SEO setup to help you promote your website.
A small website with portfolio, services or gallery. Includes domain name and hosting for 1 year.
You might already have a small website and want to take it to the next level or just add more pages. This package provides a small, mobile-friendly, menu driven website. It includes a domain name, hosting and basic SEO advice to help you promote your website.
A sophisticated CMS-driven system, with domain name and hosting
This type of package is recommended for larger organisations, clubs and charities. This system will allow you, the client, to add an unlimited number of additional pages and be able to update existing pages.
Improve your website's ranking with our SEO service
This service will help your website presence to grow. Updates to your website and advice on developing your online social media channels, to help increase the ranking of your website on the World Wide Web. Your SEO campaign should be an ongoing process.